
Course Endorsement

Application process for external courses to be endorsed by BSPD

The BSPD will consider endorsing and advertising external CPD courses provided by external providers.

If you would like a course to be approved please submit an application by email to  The application will be reviewed by the BSPD editor and two members of the executive board, unless there is conflict of interest, in which case three alternative members of the executive board will review the application.

You should receive an outcome within two weeks from submitting your application.

Courses seeking endorsement must fulfil the following criteria:-

  • be relevant to Paediatric Dentistry;
  • be provided by an approved provider with clear quality assurance processes;
  • be non-profit making; and,
  • be in accordance with the BSPD's aims and objectives.

Applications, in the form of an email requesting endorsement, must include the following information:-

  • course title;
  • date of course;
  • speakers / tutors;
  • aims and learning outcome;
  • summary of proposed programme;
  • course fees if applicable; and,
  • the reasons for which the society endorsement is required.