The BSPD Teachers' Branch is open to all those involved in teaching Paediatric Dentistry. It meets annually, usually for a study day ending with the AGM, on the Tuesday immediately preceding the Society's Annual Scientific Conference. Membership is not restricted to academics. All Society Members involved in teaching paediatric dentistry in any capacity are welcome and encouraged to join the Branch and attend its meetings.
Although the meeting is held immediately before the Society's Annual Scientific Conference, you don't have to be attending the conference to be able to join us, although it is certainly worth attending. But those restricted by time or financial restraints must not be put off by assuming they need to attend the whole event.
Teachers Branch Bursaries
Teachers in Paediatric Dentistry - BSPD Teachers' Branch Bursary Eligibility Criteria
Teachers in Paediatric Dentistry - BSPD Teachers' Branch Bursary Application Form
Trainees in Paediatric Dentistry - BSPD Teachers' Branch Bursary Eligibility Criteria
Trainees in Peadiatric Dentistry - BSPD Teachers' Branch Bursary Application Form
Chair |
Alaa Bani Hani
Past Chair:
Helen Rogers
Chair Elect:
Council Representative:
Nora O'Murchu
Hon Secretary: |
Christopher Donnell
Hon Treasurer: |
Carly Dixon
SAC Representative:
Mohsin Chaudhary
CAPC Representatives:
Aline Neves
Shannu Bhatia