How will the dentist examine my child?
Sometimes the best way to look into a baby’s mouth is to carry out a lap-to-lap examination, when the baby is lowered backwards from your lap into the lap of the dentist. This may give the dentist a good view of baby’s mouth.
What happens if my child won’t open their mouth?
Don’t worry if your child doesn’t want to open their mouth. Just taking your child to the dentist and starting to establish a pattern of dental appointments is valuable. Book to return in a few months and hopefully your baby will want to open their mouth on the next visit.
Why do baby teeth matter?
Baby teeth are important because they hold the space for the permanent teeth to move into. As parent or carer, your role is to assist in keeping the mouth healthy and free from harmful bacteria which leads to dental decay. BSPD’s guide explains how to keep teeth healthy.
The first visit is an opportunity to get advice from the dental team on caring for your baby’s teeth.