12 November 2021
The Dental Check by One campaign successfully increased the number of children aged under two seeing a dentist within a few years of its launch. It was very rewarding to see the uplift of about 2.5% in such a short time.
30 June 2020
Dentistry has been turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. Routine dental appointments were put on hold while trauma cases and urgent dental care was provided in hospitals and dental hubs. The Dental Check by One (DCby1) initiative, a relaxed and friendly visit to a dentist for a baby’s first check-up, was naturally out of the question.
23 March 2020
All crucially important activities are on hold as a result of Coronavirus – and this includes going to the dentist for Dental Check by One. This article is designed to answer any questions you might have.
20 October 2019
When the Urchfont Dental Centre in Wiltshire was renovated, its new owner Gwynnifer Henning had one priority – a children’s playhouse in reception! When it looked as if the playhouse might not fit into the practice, the builders were ready to make additional space to accommodate it.
03 June 2019
A paper (1) published in the most recent issue of Community Dental Health serves as an important baseline for dental attendance in children under one year of age. The paper is based on data analysis carried out by a team at the University of Birmingham between 2016 and 2017 and showed that the rate of attendance in babies less than one ranged from 0-12.3% while in children aged under two, it ranged from 3.7 to 37.6%. The Dental Check by One campaign (DCby1) was launched to the dental profession in May 2017 just as the data analysis for this important piece of research was concluding.