National Student Elective Prize
- Value of award: £300
- To support student elective project
Entry criteria
This competition is open to BSPD student members who are intending to undertake an elective project within the year from the prize submission deadline. Students should submit a summary of no more than 250 words, describing their proposed elective project. The project should involve the dental health of children. The winning student will have to submit a short report on their elective project once completed (maximum 1000 words). If you are not already a member of the Society, you can join at the same time as submitting your abstract.
Entry details
An abstract should be submitted electronically to the BSPD Conference Abstract and Prize Committee (CAPC) via the BSPD Administrator by the 31st of March of the year in which the elective project is to be undertaken. The abstract should be 250 words maximum and include a justification for the project/placement, details of what you will be doing and the likely outcomes (for you and anyother beneficiaries).
Abstract submission form
Judging criteria
Judging process
Three members of the CAPC will judge the applications. Applicants will receive a reply from the Chair of the CAPC within six weeks following the award closing date. The winning entry(ies) will be sent their certificate and payment as soon as possible after this date.
If the applicant is subsequently unable to undertake the proposed elective project, the Chair of the CAPC must be informed and the award will have to be returned to the Society.