
The History of BSPD

The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry (BSPD) has an established place in the dental profession thanks to the dedication of dentists stretching back over 70 years. Throughout its history, BSPD has campaigned for improving standards in child dental health.

Some key dates:

1952 The London Study Group is formed – the UK's first association of paediatric dentists
1968 The British Paedodontic Society (BPS) is created and amalgamates the different groups of dentists established around the UK – it later becomes BSPD
1969 A handbook is published of a BPS meeting, a precursor to the Journal of Paediatric Dentistry
1971 BPS representatives are invited to the Department of Health and Social Security to discuss concerns about the poor standards of child dental health in the UK
1971 BPS representatives are invited as observers to the Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC) in orthodontics which is later renamed the SAC in orthodontics and children's dentistry
1991 The Journal of Paediatric Dentistry is merged with the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry which to this day is a key BSPD member benefit
1998 The General Dental Council establishes a specialist list in Paediatric Dentistry
2013 BSPD acquires an official home in the administrative offices of the Royal College of Surgeons in Lincoln's Inn Fields
2014 BSPD calls for a meeting with the Chief Dental Officer to discuss ways of improving children's dental health and a new relationship is established
2017 BSPD launches Dental Check by One (DCby1) a campaign to encourage babies to be taken to the dentist before their first birthday
BSPD launches Rights from the Start, an initiative supported by UNICEF UK, BDA and NSPCC to drive better awareness of children’s rights
BSPD launched the Society’s Blueprint for dental recovery and shared it with the main political parties

Today BSPD is a thriving Society with a membership of Consultants, Specialists, GDP's and Dental Care Professionals. Our Executive committee provides strategic direction in line with our mission statement and 3 year plan and oversees our engagement with other special interest groups and political decision makers. BSPD is now in a strong position to campaign for and implement improvements in children’s oral health in the UK.